To Our Valued Patients:

With significant local concerns regarding the resurgence of COVID-19, Noble would like to provide an update on our response to date and moving forward.

In following the guidelines presented by the British Columbia Health Authority, Noble strives to put patient protection as our top priority.

As a precaution, we will be taking the following steps as of May 19, 2020. We will be providing both in-person and teleconference consultations and patients can make their decision with their practitioner to determine if in-person consultation is required or if telemedicine would suffice.

If you are in pain, looking to apply functional and holistic therapies, would like to consider integrative testing or have an interest in any of the services we provide, we are here for you.

However, if any of the following applies to you, we ask that you inform us of you condition by phone prior to your visit:

  • Fever, cough, sneezing or difficulty breathing (with or without pneumonia) OR
  • Travelled to COVID-19 affected areas within 14 days OR
  • Close contact with a confirmed or presumptuous case of COVID-19 OR
  • Close contact with someone who was ill and had travelled to COVID-19 affected areas within 14 days.

We will make an assessment either on the phone or via video conference and determine whether you should come to the office for consultation or if teleconference is adequate.

We ask that patients presenting to our office do their part by washing their hands prior to arriving and use the hand sanitizer provided as they enter and leave the practice.

In office we will be taking the following precautions to help to reduce the spread of Covid-19:

1) disinfect surfaces every hour and after each consultation/service

2) offer a mask and gloves to all patients 

3) support 2 metre distancing between anyone in the clinic by restricting clinic capacity and enforcing a one patient (family) per room/office

We will continue to service our patients in the safest manner possible, ensuring the health of our team and patients. Please do not hesitate to call or email us if you have questions or concerns at 604 734 7760 or here.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this unprecedented time.

Noble Naturopathic
Dr. David Duizer ND
Dr. Ana Lopez ND

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