Unlocking the Power of IV Vitamin C: A Promising Solution for Post-Viral Fatigue and Long COVID Recovery

We have been using IV Vitamin C Therapy at Noble Naturopathic for many years often with 2-3 people sitting in our IV suite for therapy. Recently the academic journal Nutrients published a peer-reviewed analysis of Vitamin C Therapy for post-viral fatigue (Vollbracht & Kraft, 2021). Below we comment on the findings from the study, dosing used, and what it means for the use of this therapy at Noble!


Fatigue is a common lingering symptom after viral infections, including COVID-19. For many people, this fatigue can be debilitating, affecting their ability to focus, sleep, and carry out daily activities. Recent studies suggest that IV vitamin C therapy could offer a promising solution for those suffering from post-viral fatigue, particularly long COVID. Here’s a breakdown of the findings and how IV vitamin C therapy can help restore energy and improve overall well-being.

Key Findings from the Study

A systematic review published in the medical journal Nutrients assessed the effects of high-dose IV vitamin C on fatigue in various conditions, including long COVID. Nine clinical studies involving 720 participants revealed the following:

  • Significant reduction in fatigue: Three out of four controlled studies showed a significant decrease in fatigue levels in those receiving IV vitamin C compared to control groups.
  • Improved sleep and cognitive function: Participants reported improvements in related symptoms like sleep disturbances, lack of concentration, depression, and pain.
  • Boosted physical function: Fatigue reduction was often accompanied by better physical and cognitive functioning, including enhanced physical performance and reduced pain.
  • Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects: IV vitamin C was found to combat inflammation and oxidative stress, key contributors to fatigue and poor health outcomes.

How IV Vitamin C Therapy Works

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which are implicated in fatigue and long COVID. When delivered intravenously in high doses, vitamin C reaches therapeutic levels in the bloodstream, which isn’t possible through oral supplements alone. These high plasma levels allow for rapid bioavailability, meaning it gets to work quickly, providing relief from symptoms like fatigue, poor concentration, and sleep issues.

The benefits of IV vitamin C therapy extend beyond fatigue reduction. It also:

  • Supports immune function: Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, helping the body fight infections and recover faster.
  • Promotes tissue repair: As an essential co-factor in collagen production, vitamin C helps repair damaged tissues, including blood vessels, which are often affected in post-viral conditions.
  • Improves circulation: Vitamin C helps restore endothelial function, improving blood flow and reducing circulatory disorders associated with post-viral fatigue.
  • Relieves oxidative stress: By neutralizing harmful free radicals, vitamin C protects the body from oxidative damage that contributes to fatigue and other post-viral symptoms.

Why IV Vitamin C Therapy Is Beneficial for Post-Viral Fatigue

For those suffering from long COVID or other forms of post-viral fatigue, IV vitamin C offers several potential benefits:

  • Rapid Relief: IV administration allows for fast absorption and immediate effects, reducing fatigue and improving energy levels.
  • Comprehensive Symptom Improvement: In addition to reducing fatigue, it can help alleviate related symptoms like depression, cognitive impairment, and sleep issues.
  • Non-Invasive and Safe: IV vitamin C is a non-invasive treatment option that has been shown to be safe and well-tolerated in clinical trials.


Based on the systematic review, successful doses of IV vitamin C for reducing fatigue varied across studies, but most effective treatments used doses between 7.5 g and 50 g per infusion, with some studies administering even higher doses depending on the patient’s body weight (up to 225 g for a 75 kg person).

Here are some dose specifics from the studies:

  • 7.5 g was used frequently in studies involving patients with herpes zoster and allergies, where it significantly reduced fatigue and related symptoms like concentration issues and sleep disturbances.
  • Higher doses of 50 g or more were typically used in cancer-related fatigue studies, showing substantial improvements in energy levels, cognitive function, and overall quality of life.
  • The most recent study on advanced lung cancer combined high-dose vitamin C (up to 50 g) with additional treatments like hyperthermia, which significantly improved fatigue compared to controls.

For general fatigue management, starting with a dose of 7.5–15 g seems effective and safe, with higher doses tailored to individual needs and medical conditions.

Frequency and Duration

The studies reviewed in this article suggest that frequency and duration of treatment vary based on the condition’s severity. Generally, more intense cases, such as chronic fatigue or severe long COVID, require around 8–10 treatments for significant resolution. In less severe cases, fewer treatments may still provide benefits. The study highlights that in various clinical contexts (e.g., cancer, herpes zoster, allergies), treatment frequency ranged from 2 to 3 times per week over 2 to 4 weeks.

For developing specific protocols:

  • Mild post-viral illness: Consider 15g of Vitamin C per treatment for 4 treatments.
  • More severe cases: Treatment could involve higher frequency or more sessions, such as 2–3 times weekly for 3–4 weeks, as done in some studies.

These guidelines could be adjusted to fit individual patient needs and based on symptom severity.


IV vitamin C therapy is emerging as a promising treatment for post-viral fatigue, especially for those experiencing long COVID. With its powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it offers a natural way to alleviate fatigue and restore vitality. If you or someone you know is struggling with post-viral fatigue, IV vitamin C therapy may be an option worth exploring.

Share this blog to raise awareness about the potential of IV vitamin C therapy and help others take steps toward recovery from post-viral fatigue.  

 – Dr. Duizer

Reference: Vollbracht, C., & Kraft, K. (2021). Feasibility of vitamin C in the treatment of post-viral fatigue with focus on long COVID, based on a systematic review of IV vitamin C on fatigue. Nutrients, 13(4), 1154. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13041154


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